Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Vishnu mama no more!

It was such a shock in the morning when I received the following kannada sms: "Dr. Vishnuvardhan. Kannada kampannu ellede pasarisida athmakke omme thale bagi namisonave... "

I was confused, the only vishnuvardhan i knew was my hero - actor Sahasasimha vishnuvardhan. What confused me was the Dr. prefix...

When I went to my institute mess and grabbed a tamil paper(there wasn't a kannada one in the mess) I realised it was my chidhood hero who was no more!

There were times when I used to listen to his movie dialogues (on my tape recorder/player) day in and day out!

I can never get off my mind of his authoritative roles. His innocence in Bandhana, the warrior vishnu in muthina haara, simply superb jananaayaka, Sweet lunatic in Hrudayageethe, the desparate bachelor in Neenu nakkare haalu sakkare, Saviour in Niskarsha, The big hearted Yajamaana.

Bharathi(his wife) the most beautiful actress of all times... One reason(and only) why I hate him is for having had such a beautiful wife.. who is my all time favourite actress.

Our vishnu mama will live with us through his movies and a big list of his hit songs...

Will miss you and your movies! Dying to watch aptha mitra 2...